Faculté de pharmacie de Paris, centenaire


Date 1982
Metal bronze
Shape round
Weight 224 g
Dimensions  71 mm
Marks corne
Medallist A. Bourroux
Rarity very common

This medal was struck for the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Paris School of Pharmacy.

The obverse represents the three main founders of the pharmaceutical education in Paris: N. Houel, N. Vauquelin and A. Chatin

reference: Flahaut Jean. Médaille du centenaire des bâtiments de la Faculté de Pharmacie de Paris. In: Revue d’histoire de la pharmacie, 69ᵉ année, n°250, 1981. pp. 173-174.
Photo: BIU Santé-Pharmacie, Université Paris-Descartes