Paris, Ecole de Pharmacie


Date Ca 1804-1830
Metal silver
Shape round
Weight 27 g
Dimensions 38 mm
Marks none
Medallist N. Brenet
Rarity rare
The genuine medal was created in 1803 and 50 copies were struck. The lettering “Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris” was engraved on the edge for the copies given to the Paris School of Pharmacy. The medal is known under the name “médaille Brenet“.

Subsequently, bronze and silver prize medals were struck up to 1830. These copies can be recognized by the small breach on the medal rim.

A gold medal (35 g) struck in 1830 is also known.


La médaille commémorant la fondation des Ecoles de pharmacie (1803)” M. Bouvet, Rev. Hist. Pharm. 129-131, 1955

“La médaille en or commémorant la fondation des Ecoles de pharmacie, comme prix de la Société de pharmacie de Paris“. G. Dillemann, 1983